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Misdemeanor And
Felony-Friendly Jobs

70 Million Jobs will connect you with great companies that offer second chance
jobs for people with criminal records.

No cost to you.FIND A JOB

These companies and hundreds more offer second chance jobs.Previous


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Looking for a job with a criminal record?
You are not alone.

70 million Americans have a criminal record and most have trouble finding employment after incarceration. We’ll help you through the entire process of getting a job with a criminal record. From finding misdemeanor and felony friendly jobs, to building a resume and submitting applications, to getting hired.

How it Works


Creating a Resume

Get Help
Creating a Resume

Use the Resume Builder and follow our resume writing tips to generate a professional resume you can use on 70 Million Jobs and elsewhere.2


Get Nearby
Job Opportunities

We find job opportunities in your neighborhood that fit your interests and skills, from great companies interested in considering you.3

Apply to Jobs

Apply to Jobs
and Get Hired

70 Million Jobs makes it easier to apply to positions online with just a few clicks, and prepares you to have a successful interview.LEARN MORE


70 Million Jobs has a community of several million qualified job seekers, eager to contribute positivelyto society and your company. Fill positions fast from untapped pool of skilled labor, with trust.


Friend or Family Member?

Help your unemployed or underemployed friend or family member with a criminal record rebuild their life and greatly reduce their risk of recidivism by referring them to 70 MillIon Jobs.


Jobs You Can Get With
a Criminal Record

Put your skills to work or learn a new trade. Get access to thousands of misdemeanor and felony friendly job opportunities. Discover your new career and rebuild your life.Construction JobsKitchen JobsMechanic JobsDriving JobsLabor JobsWarehouse Jobs

What kind of job are you interested in?

Put your skills to work or learn a new trade. 70 Million jobs has thousands of job opportunities for ex offenders. Discover your new career and rebuild your life.

We get press.

“70 Million Jobs gets past the discrimination and connects companies with people who want to work.”

Fast Company

“What’s happening in Silicon Valley with 70 Million Jobs is part of an important shift occurring nationwide.”

Fortune Magazine

“This platform humanizes job seekers beyond just a line on an arrest report.”


“This startup aims to cut back recidivism by ensuring former inmates can find work.”


“70 Million Jobs is a safe haven for former convicts.”


“70 Million Jobs–one of ten companies doing well by doing good.”

Entrepreneur Magazines

How 70 Million Jobs Came to Be

About two months before I was released from prison, I began panicking. I was returning to the outside with nothing: no money, no home, no job. Nothing. What was I going to do?

Before spending 2 years in prison I was a partner at the infamous Wolf of Wall Street firm, Stratton Oakmont. Then I started my own firm, which got very big and made me very rich.

But a lot of what I was doing was crooked. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I was greedy. Going through the process of paying fines, reimbursing investors and paying lawyers wiped me out. I was actually relieved when I went to prison. At least I didn’t have to worry about bill collectors harassing me or buying food.

I knew it would be tough when I got out of prison, but I had no idea it would be that tough. Friends deserted me. Business associates wanted nothing to do with me. Thank God my family stuck with me, or else I would have had nothing.

I realized that if the process of reentering society was hard for me, it had to be hard for a lot of my brothers and sisters who also did time. And that was when I came up with the idea for 70 Million Jobs. My team and I want to help YOU land a job. My personal goal is to find jobs for one million people.

We talk to large, national employers every day who are ready and willing to give people a second chance. And we want YOU to get a job with one of those companies.

Make sure to sign up so that we can send you information about great jobs in your area. And congratulations on starting this new chapter in your life.

Richard Bronson
Founder and CEO


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What kind of job are you interested in?

Put your skills to work or learn a new trade. 70 Million jobs has thousands of job opportunities for ex offenders.
Discover your new career and rebuild your life.

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